Beach Stickers to be available online

May 5, 2022

Beachgoers in Dartmouth will soon be able to get their annual passes online, the town’s Department of Parks & Recreation announced Wednesday.

To access this new online service, residents should visit the town’s main webpage and select the online permitting tab. Processing fees apply.

Payment is by check or credit card only.

This year, the price of the annual passes increased by $5, costing residents $40 for the popular windshield sticker — or $35 for seniors.

The increase comes following last year’s Fall Town Meeting approval to raise wages for lifeguards and beach supervisors to make the pay more competitive with other communities.

Stickers officially go on sale Monday, May 9.

When purchasing a pass, residents must bring their current registration of the vehicle on which the sticker will be placed.

Those with leased vehicles, will also be required to provide the original lease paperwork or monthly statement showing your name, Dartmouth address and vehicle information if it is not shown on the registration.

In addition to the new online permitting system, stickers may be purchased Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Parks and Recreation office located on the lower level of the Town Hall, Room 108.

Round Hill Beach will open June 18, while Jones and Apponagansett Parks will be open June 25 through Labor Day. 

Round Hill day passes are no longer available. All resident access is via stickers only.