Book worm’s paradise

May 6, 2023

Each year Friends of the Dartmouth Libraries collects hundreds of books for their semi-annual Southworth Library book sale.

This year was no exception, May 4-6 saw the spring sale’s return.

The book sale is a predictable fundraiser for the library. Despite the book's low prices, maxing out at $2 for hard covers, it still manages to raise an average of $5,000, according to Marcy Wintrub, Friends of the Dartmouth Libraries President.

The books are donated by community members and then sold back to the community, all to benefit the libraries she said.

The money raised from the event “support[s] ‘extras’ for the library [like] programs and services for adults and children and special purchases like furniture and technology,” said Wintrub.

The event is run by volunteers who help collect, organize and manage sales.

“This wouldn’t happen without the volunteers who help us sort through the donations and staff the sale. We are so grateful for them,” said Blair Walker, the book sale’s coordinator.

To learn more about how to support Friends of the Dartmouth Libraries email