Elementary schools present improvement plans

Sep 17, 2018

Each of the town’s four elementary schools has big plans for the school year. At the September 17 school committee meeting, each school presented their school improvement plan, which address three areas of focus: teaching and learning, access and equity, and community engagement. There were some common threads: all the schools are improving their curriculum, thinking about the social and emotional aspects of learning, and communicating with parents online.

Cushman Elementary School

The Cushman School is thinking about communication this year. One major focus will be on social and emotional learning and implementing brain based therapeutic models. Students who are dealing with anxiety and depression are a group that will receive special focus. Another goal will be supporting the transition of early intervention students into kindergarten. The school is working on expanding support of parents by connecting them to resources and co-creating an IEP (individualized education program).

Kindergarteners will work on writing if/then lessons, and preschoolers will work with “Lively Letters.” The school will also provide professional development and math coaching to address student and teacher needs as they implement the math workshop model.

DeMello Elementary School

At DeMello, this year is all about “digging deep” into what was established last year. Teachers will continue to roll out the Lucy Calkins reading and writing program, which is a set of curricula for each grade level. Teachers will also continue to refine the math workshop model and coordinate work between grade levels. They will also use data to identify where children need help, and work on integrating best practices into everyday instruction.

DeMello teachers will also focus on social and emotional skills in their professional development. The focus will be on making sure that the student has what they need so that they are ready to learn, and that the school can support them in a way that is mindful of the individual circumstances of that student’s life.

Potter Elementary School

At Potter, teachers are working on moving forward with the educational models they have implemented in reading and writing. They are also focusing on real world applications in math to engage students. Another goal is to help students think about how they can access information beyond looking online.

Potter teachers are also focusing on the emotional aspect of learning, and will work on incorporating brain based therapeutic and trauma sensitive methods into their classrooms. New this year are calming areas in each classroom and spaces like the cafeteria and playground, where students can go to cool off and de-escalate. Teachers are also incorporating moments of mindfulness throughout the school day, and staying aware of what may be influencing student behavior- like hunger or thirst.

Quinn Elementary School

The Lucy Calkins program is on the agenda for Quinn, too, where teachers are doing professional development and working within and across grade levels to implement the program. They are also continuing to work on math workshops and differentiating instruction to support all learners. Quinn School is also expanding their committees and ensuring that all teachers have an active voice.

This year, the school is launching a fifth grade peer mediators program. The participating students will develop leadership qualities, build self esteem, and create positive change by working to solve conflicts. They will also help students realize that they can solve some conflicts without the involvement of an adult. Fourth and fifth graders will be trained this year, so that the program can be fully launched next fall.