Hazardous Waste drop-off day May 4
Event has passed
The Greater New Bedford Regional Refuse Management District will host Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off Day on Saturday, May 4, from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Crapo Hill Landfill, 300 Samuel Barnet Boulevard, New Bedford. Proof of residency in New Bedford, Dartmouth, or Freetown is required.
Sign up to participate at gnbrrmdistrict.org and select a time slot. Visitors should arrive as close to their selected time slot as possible. If visitors do not have internet access, call 508-979-1493 to sign up.
Participants must place the household hazardous waste in the trunk, in a pickup truck bed or in the back of an SUV and stay in the vehicle while the waste is removed.
Accepted waste includes oil-based paints, paint thinner, pesticides and old gasoline.
Visitor may not bring latex paint, which they should give away or dry out and throw it away in the regular trash.
Visitors may also not bring anything not accepted at their transfer station, including antifreeze, fluorescent light bulbs, mercury containing devices, motor oil, propane (or other) tanks or cylinders, TVs, or computer monitors.
The maximum amount of household hazardous waste visitors can bring is 25 gallons or 25 pounds. Collection is for households only, not businesses, schools or contractors.
Please note, traffic flows in one direction at this event. The only way to enter is through the New Bedford Business Park. GPS may suggest a different route, but visitors will have to turn around and enter through the New Bedford Business Park.
For more information, contact the Greater New Bedford Regional Refuse Management District by email at Marissa@gnbrrmdistrict.org or by phone at 508-979-1493.
Event has passed