Legal Advertisements - Week of March 2, 2023

Mar 2, 2023


Premises: 263 Cross Road, North Dartmouth (Dartmouth), Massachusetts

By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Geraldine M. Decosta, Donald W. Decosta, Michelle Lee Gagne a/k/a Michelle L. Gagne and Michael A. DeCosta to BNY Mortgage Company LLC, said mortgage dated May 11, 2006, and recorded in the Bristol County Southern Registry of Deeds, in Book 8138 at Page 340 and now held by Mortgage Assets Management, LLC by virtue of an assignment from Nationstar Mortgage LLC D/B/A Champion Mortgage Company to Mortgage Assets Management, LLC dated March 2, 2022 and recorded in the Bristol County (Southern District) Registry of Deeds, in Book 14363 at Page 190, previously assigned by Bank of America, N.A. to Nationstar Mortgage LLC by virtue of an assignment dated November 13, 2012 and recorded in the Bristol County (Southern District) Registry of Deeds, in Book 10582 at Page 64, previously assigned by Seattle Mortgage to Bank of America, N.A. by virtue of an assignment dated March 9, 2012 and recorded in the Bristol County (Southern District) Registry of Deeds, in Book 10331 at Page 101, previously assigned by Seattle Mortgage Company to Bank of America, N.A. by virtue of an assignment dated June 27, 2007 and recorded in the Bristol County (Southern District) Registry of Deeds, in Book 8707 at Page 271, previously assigned by BNY Mortgage Company LLC to Seattle Mortgage Company by virtue of an assignment dated May 11, 2006 and recorded in the Bristol County (Southern District) Registry of Deeds, in Book 8138 at Page 349, for breach of the conditions in said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same, will be sold at Public Auction on March 24, 2023 at 11:00 AM Local Time upon the premises, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, to wit:

BEGINNING at a stake at a point in the northwesterly line of Cross Road, said point being the southeasterly corner of the premises herein conveyed;

thence SOUTH 530 41’ 30” WEST in said line of Cross Road, one hundred fifteen and 68/100 (115.68) feet to a stake;

thence SOUTH 480 02’ 40” WEST in said line of Cross Road, seventeen and 30/100 (17.30) feet to a stake;

thence NORTH 510 03’ 50” WEST by a wall and land now or formerly of Andrew H. King, one hundred ninety-two and 46/100 (192.46) feet to a point;

thence NORTH 530 02’ 40” WEST by last-named land, three hundred fifty-one and 33/100 (351.33) feet to a stake at land now or formerly of John G. Couto;

thence NORTH 630 01’ 50” EAST by a wire fence and last-named land, two hundred forty-nine and 81/100 (249.81) feet to a drill hole in a wall at land being shown as Parcel #2 on plan hereinafter mentioned;

thence SOUTH 400 39’ 50” EAST by last named land, four hundred eighty-one and 71/100 (481.71) feet to the said northwesterly line of Cross Road and the point of beginning.

CONTAINING 2,107 acres, more or less.

BEING shown as Parcel #1 on plan of land entitled “Plan of Land in Dartmouth, Mass. Surveyed for Abraham Al Curhan”, Scale 1” = 50’ dated July 30, 1966 and filed in the Bristol County (S.D.) Registry of Deeds.

SUBJECT to an easement to the New Bedford Gas & Edison Light Company by instrument dated February 9, 1961 and recorded in said Registry in Book 1333 Page 205.

For title see Deed recorded with said Deeds Book 5476, Page 151

The description of the property that appears in the mortgage to be foreclosed shall control in the event of a typographical error in this publication.

For Mortgagors’ Title see deed dated April 10, 2002, and recorded in Book 5476 at Page 151 with the Bristol County (Southern District) Registry of Deeds.

TERMS OF SALE: Said premises will be sold and conveyed subject to all liens, encumbrances, unpaid taxes, tax titles, municipal liens and assessments, if any, which take precedence over the said mortgage above described.

FIVE THOUSAND ($5,000.00) Dollars of the purchase price must be paid by a certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check at the time and place of the sale by the purchaser. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid in cash, certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check within sixty (60) days after the date of sale.

Other terms to be announced at the sale.
270 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06032
Attorney for Mortgage Assets Management, LLC
Present Holder of the Mortgage
(860) 677-2868


Notice is hereby given that a meeting will be held in accordance with the provisions of the Dartmouth Wetlands Protection Bylaw and M.G.L., Ch. 131, §40, the Wetlands Protection Act, on the Request for Determination of Applicability from The Town of Dartmouth for the full depth roadway reconstruction, installation of new curbing and new concrete sidewalks, and minor drainage improvements in the Buffer Zone to a Bordering Vegetated Wetland on land described as Map 133, Lot 238 or Walsh Street, Ashley Street, Bolton Road, Buttonwood Road and St. John Street in Dartmouth. The meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m., on Tuesday, March 7, 2023 in Room 103 at the Dartmouth Town Hall, 400 Slocum Road in Dartmouth and all interested parties should be present at that time. Per the Governors Emergency Order the meeting will be held remotely. Login information for the meeting appears on the agenda posted on the Dartmouth Conservation Commission page of the Town of Dartmouth website. All interested parties should log into the meeting and be present at that time.

Michael Kehoe, Chair

Dartmouth Week March 2, 2023
Also posted on


Notice is hereby given under M.G.L., Chapter 40A, Section 11 (Zoning) and Dartmouth Zoning By-Law, §375 Article 24 (Site Plan Review), of a PUBLIC HEARING to be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, March 13, 2023. Per the Governor’s emergency order allowing municipal boards to temporarily conduct their business through videoconferencing platforms this public hearing will be accessible for live interaction by the petitioners and the public using:

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 831 1781 2987 Passcode: 514881

Phone: 1 646 876 9923 Find your local number:

The hearing concerns an application for a Special Permit for Joe’s Original restaurant on 61 State Road, Dartmouth, Massachusetts (Assessor’s Map 169 Lots 245 & 246) brought forth by Steve Silverstein. The proposed project is being reviewed under both Special Permit and Amendment to Site Plan Review applications. The request for a proposed permanent outdoor seating pergola, would seat 33 people. Per Article 24 of the Dartmouth Zoning By-Law, the restaurant would require 54 parking spots for standard seating, 12 parking spots for bar seats, and 12 more parking spots for employees, totaling 78 parking spots required for the existing restaurant with the new proposed outdoor seating. Per CMR 23.2, four handicapped parking spaces would be required for the 78 total number of parking spots required. Joe’s Original is proposing to have 72 parking spots and 4 handicapped spots, for 76 parking spaces total. Therefore, the applicant’s special permit is for a reduction in required parking spaces. Heureux Engineering, LLC, prepared the application.

Information regarding this project is on file in the Planning Board Office (Room 315), Town Hall, 400 Slocum Road, Dartmouth, MA and may be seen during regular business hours upon request of an appointment with the Planning Department or via the online application portal (PSP-23-1 and PASP-23-1).

Kevin Melo, Chairperson
Dartmouth Planning Board

Dartmouth Week
February 23, 2023 and March 2, 2023
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