Love and laughter at Council on Aging’s Valentine’s Day Dance
Where in Dartmouth can you find teenagers waltzing to Perry Como and seniors shakin’ it to Shakira?
Only at the Council on Aging’s annual Valentine’s Day dance, of course!
Every February 14, members of Dartmouth High School’s National Honor Society come out to the senior center at 628 Dartmouth Street to eat, drink, and be merry with some of the town’s older residents.
This year’s event saw 100 seniors and around 60 high schoolers bop along to classic tunes and more modern hits in a large room decorated with pink and red hearts and balloons.
Kids doled out food donated by community restaurants, although some of the dishes were provided by the students themselves.
“[The event] filled up in three days,” said Council on Aging Activities Coordinator Nancy Miller. “It’s very popular.”
The students planned the dance over two months, according to Honor Society President Finn Helgesen. “We had a bunch of committees, and we went out and solicited food and donations from the community,” he said.
Society co-advisor Stephanie Church noted that the event was student-driven, “with a little bit of supervision.”
“It’s something we all look forward to,” she added.
The students said they were looking forward to dancing. “That’s what we’re here for,” said society secretary Abigail Chace. “We’re pros!”
Some of the kids were unsure about how to dance to the old-fashioned songs. “I personally don’t know any [of these] songs, but I like it,” said Emily Senra. “It’s kind of refreshing.”
But nearly everyone got out on the floor for the electric slide and its more modern cousin, the Cupid Shuffle, and some students even did back flips to Frank Sinatra.
“The kids did an awesome job,” said senior Maureen Otis. “Everybody looks forward to this, it’s the best party of the year!”
“The day is wonderful,” agreed senior Marguerite Pinho after dancing with Helgeson. “It’s nice to be with a lot of people, it’s nice to socialize.”
As for her partner’s skill, she said, “I think he’s great!”