Opinion: Exodus of talent in Dartmouth

Feb 20, 2023

To the editor:

It seems every employer is competing for talent and trying to keep the remaining employees they have, lately. Some entry level position in retail or food service are starting at $18 an hour.
They are paying out bonuses, higher wages and pay for a greater percentage health insurance in order to maintain staff levels and keep operations running efficiently. 
The Town of Dartmouth has not been able to avoid this exodus of talent and the issue is across many departments.  
Positions in town are remaining vacant for months leaving supervisors scrambling if someone takes a day out or has a vacation. In some cases, substitutes can't be found.
Many of those that left, went into the private sector, where wages have outperformed the public sector and the health insurance split is substantially better or cheaper. 
Some that left, moved onto state employment, the reasons, better pay and better insurance split also.Those that have remained, feel loyalty and have decades in service to the taxpayers of Dartmouth.
Currently, the town pays 56% of the insurance cost leaving 44% on the employee. The closest percentage an area town is paying employees is 60% but many are at 75%.
The town will be able to retain and attract good talent if the elected officials as well as the administration found a way to move the heath insurance split to a more comparable percentage.
Without any hesitation, my belief is our selectboard and school committee members are committed to the town they care about and serve.  They want to ensure services remain efficient and staffed as well as be a good employer.
Changing the health insurance split will most definitely be a step in the right direction.
Ray Medeiros,
Local 1245 — Dartmouth DPW