Opinion: Regarding the 2024 election

Jul 19, 2024

To the editor:

I think it is time for Biden to step aside.

In this election, it doesn't matter that Biden passed a major veteran’s bill, or an infrastructure bill that is repairing roads and bridges all over the country. It does not matter that Biden’s knowledge of foreign affairs is superior to Trump’s, or that Biden pushed for a bi-partisan border security bill that Trump opposed.

It doesn’t matter that one cause of inflation is supply chain issues in private sector companies, and another cause was bipartisan spending bills to keep the economy going during the Covid shutdown. It doesn’t matter that Trump approved $8.4 trillion of new 10-year borrowing during his term — nearly twice as much as President Joe Biden, or that 16 Nobel Prize-winning economists warn that Trump's economic plans could reignite inflation. Crime isn’t higher under Biden — check the FBI UCR stats. Unemployment wasn’t lower under Trump — check the U.S. Department of Labor stats. The same measurement methods were used by these agencies under Trump and Biden presidencies.

None of this matters this election.

In an election, what often matters the most is what the public thinks and feels.

Inflation and the border were weighing Biden down before his awful debate performance. The public thinks Biden is incapable. His stutter doesn’t help his image.

One poll found 2/3 of Biden voters are actually voting against Trump, whereas 2/3 of Trump followers are voting for Trump. This election is about Trump. This election is not about the issues.  

We all know Trump’s record.

Trump was found guilty of 34 counts of falsification of business records in the first degree with the intent to defraud by a jury picked by Trump’s own defense team. This also revealed that Trump was not faithful to his wife. Trump undermined women’s rights and health by appointing SCOTUS justices to overturn Roe v. Wade. According to 150 non-partisan career presidential historians, Trump is the worst president in U.S. history, and 40 of 44 of Trump’s top appointees, including his own Vice President Mike Pence, will not endorse Trump for reelection. I think Trump should also step aside.

But none of Trump’s flaws matter to his followers; his followers do not believe any of it. They admire Trump’s ‘tough guy’ personality, and even his crassness. Trump’s followers say his policies are what they like, yet Trump’s rambling explanations of his policies are incoherent and often not even conservative.

I mention Trump to underscore that what Democrats expect from Republicans, Democrats should expect from themselves. Blind loyalty is what Democrats criticize Trump supporters of doing in the face of Trump’s many flaws.

But many Democrats are also now guilty of the same blind loyalty. For example, U.S. Rep. Jim Clyburn robotically repeated to reporters “We’re riden’ with Biden.” This is not a winning strategy; it’s blind loyalty!

Many Democrats need to consider that their loyalty to Biden could help Trump win. In 2020, Biden was the nominee because Dems widely agreed he was the most likely Dem to beat Trump. Democrats again need a candidate strong enough to beat Trump.

Lastly, consider that while Republicans are critical of Biden, Republicans and Trump are generally not calling for Biden to step aside. They know Biden will not likely beat Trump.

Politicians should never overstay their time and leave on a high note. Before he was even elected, many people expected Biden to be a one-term president. I have always wanted Biden to do only one term. Sadly, President Biden is likely to be a one-term president but for the wrong reason.


Paul Heroux

Sheriff, Democrat