Two Dartmouth High lacrosse players reach career highs
One Dartmouth High girls lacrosse player is graduating knowing she reached a milestone in career points. For a second player, that journey is just beginning.
At the lacrosse team’s May 4 game against cross-town rival Bishop Stang, senior Megan Belmonte score her 100th career point. Five days later, teammate and sophomore Sofia Reardon also scored her 100th career point in a game against Bridgewater-Raynham Regional High School.
Reardon has been playing lacrosse since she was in second grade. Although it took awhile to get into the game, it’s something she can’t give up now.
“I saw everything I could do and I got an appreciation for the sport, I just love it,” Reardon said. “When I come to lacrosse I loved it, like I don’t dread practice every day.”
Belmonte’s dad introduced her to the sport. It became her favorite pastime even when she wasn’t on the field. She would often watch games on television and is known to support both Framingham State and Bridgewater State, where she’ll be attending in the fall.
However, she’s unsure as to whether she’ll play lacrosse there as well.
To score 100 points her senior year is a huge pressure release, she said.
“It’s really a big weight off my shoulders because I knew I was going to score it this year hopefully if I put in the work and it was just great,” Belmonte said.
Both girls agreed, good coaching and a hard work ethic is what furthered their playing skills, but they are always looking to improve.
It’s never perfect and there’s always just more room to improve,” Reardon said. “I think I just have to improve my game as a whole.”
As for Belmonte, she’ll be looking to strengthen her defense.
When they aren’t playing lacrosse, the girls are usually with their families. The offseason hits them pretty hard, as they really focus their lives around the sport. As Reardon put it, she goes to school, lacrosse, then home and does it all again the next day with no hesitation or regret.
“I like just being around family and friends,” Belmonte said. “They help me stay positive when I’m just having a rough time in school and just having motivation to do great in everything in my life that I want to do in my life is great.”