Youth advocate, students educate parents on substance abuse

Nov 2, 2016

Youth Advocate Jen Cabral has spent the past few weeks showcasing a program to bring substance abuse awareness to parents and students.

The "Hidden in Plain Sight" program presents a mock bedroom, loaded with a variety of objects that could be used for either drug or alcohol misuse. Parents are asked to walk through the room and point out things that concerned them. Most objects — including sunscreen bottles and hair brushes with secret compartments — are literally in plain sight.

"The goal of this demonstration is not only to educate the parents, but to attempt to support teens who may be struggling by allowing parents to see the warning signs before it becomes too late," said Cabral via email.

Cabral and student volunteers presented the demo at a Bishop Stang parent-teacher conference on October 19, as well as at an October 23 resource fair at Dartmouth High.

The advocates will present the demonstration again on January 9, 2017 at Dartmouth High, 6-8 p.m.

If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse, Cabral offers help with finding appropriate resources. Students interested in joining Students Against Destructive Decisions can also contact her for more information at (508) 951-9551.