School Committee eyes future projects

Dec 15, 2015

As school officials looks toward the future, maintenance was on their minds.

The largest project in the immediate future will be fixing Dartmouth Middle School's roof. School Business Administrator James A. Kiely recommended replacing the entire roof rather than the faulty area.

The cost for replacement was estimated at $3 million and would require aid from the Massachusetts School Building Authority. The committee discussed having a master plan ready to present to the authority, but members were unsure whether they should commit to it at this time.

Whether or not the committee goes through with Massachusetts School Building Authority funding, construction would not begin until summer of 2017.

The middle school building, as well as the rest of the schools in the district (with the exception of Dartmouth High), are all more than 60 years old and require updates, the committee agreed.

Other areas of spending that were discussed include updating security cameras, technology infrastructure and hardware, cash registers in the school cafeterias and modular classrooms.