Prowl for owls at the Lloyd Center

Feb 9, 2022

Event has passed

The Lloyd Center for the Environment will be holding a winter owl prowl at its 430 Potomska Road property on Friday, Feb. 13 from 3:30 to 8:00 a.m.

Research Associate Jamie Bogart will be leading the early morning prowl. At this time, Great Horned Owls, a bird known to incubate snow-covered eggs, are nearing egg-laying time and are more active along the South Dartmouth property.

This event is $15 for Lloyd Center members, and $19 for non-members. Participants are encouraged to dress warmly.

Inclement weather date is Feb. 20.

Pre-registration is required by 3 p.m. on Feb. 11.

Anyone with specific questions about the program should call Bogart at 508-990-0505 x 23, or email

Event has passed

Event Date: 

Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 3:30am to 8:00am