Opinion: Paul Heroux is the Sheriff of today and the future

Oct 22, 2022

To the editor:

On Nov. 8, please join me in voting for Attleboro Mayor Paul Heroux for Bristol County Sheriff.  I am confident that Heroux will do a terrific job succeeding incumbent Thomas Hodgson who’s been in office for a quarter century and vying for an unprecedented sixth term. The time for change, a 21st century remodeling of our outmoded prison systems, and transparency are long overdue. 

I’m not in favor of “jobs for life,” especially elective offices funded by taxpayer dollars. And that’s not good for democracy. Hodgson has had such an over-long tenure that he’s veered comfortably outside of the boundaries of the typical role of a Sheriff in Massachusetts. 

A publicity seeker who boasts about his “tough on crime” management style, Hodgson displays little concern for checks and balances or independent oversight, and no tolerance for constructive criticism.  And that’s not good for democracy either.

Over the course of 25 years, Hodgson and his rogue decisions have become the story, and all too often, rife with controversy.  Light years from being a “country club,” some have characterized the Ash Street jail as downright medieval. These and other conditions should be unacceptable to all. 

Our Sheriff is not elected to make headlines and travel across the country, such as for photo opportunities at the Trump White House, appearances on right wing and white supremacist talk shows, and unrealistic promises to send “his” inmates to the southern border to build a wall. Maybe the Bristol County Sheriff should have less ego and more concern about the fair treatment of the incarcerated under his care close to home.  A dose of humility wouldn’t hurt either.

Now for the good news!  Voters have a viable and electable alternative in my candidate, Paul Heroux. 

Starting out, Paul Heroux, an eminently qualified and formidable challenger, didn’t have much name recognition but in the last few months, he and his supporters have been working hard to change that. 

Heroux has managed an impressive and forthright campaign showing voters he’s an exceedingly capable alternative equipped with a notable background of multi-disciplinary roles and credentials. His education and experience demonstrate that he’s an executive who places a premium on growth, life-long learning, and staying abreast of the latest thinking and research on criminal justice, incarceration, rehabilitation, and other prison reforms and best practices. 

We, as stakeholders and taxpayers, need to pay more attention to the incarcerated and their families who most assuredly will benefit from fair and humane treatment with Paul Heroux at the helm. 

The Bristol County Sheriff’s Office will benefit from new management without compromising anyone’s safety.  I trust Paul Heroux to do that. I’m also confident he’ll respect the boundaries of Bristol County. Finally, my appeal to voters is to send a message that the Bristol County Sheriff’s department be no longer the 21st century version of “Les Misérables.” 

Paul Heroux is the Sheriff of today and the future!

Diane Gilbert,
