Buzzards Bay Coalition permanently protects 200 acres of farmland

Jan 14, 2025

The Buzzards Bay Coalition recently purchased three Dartmouth Farms, permanently protecting nearly 200 acres of land.

The coalition purchased the 32-acre Jordan Farm, an 11-acre farm at the site of the former Wainer/Jansal Valley Farm near the end of 2024 and the 150-acre Tavares Farm in September. These acres of prime farmland will remain open and continue contributing to the coastal agricultural landscape.

The Jordan Farm, located at the corner of Jordan and Allens Neck Roads, will add to the existing protected farmland in the area and will protest the Allens Pond watershed. 

The Wainer Farm, located on Barneys Joy Road, contains prime agricultural soils. Now that the land is protected, the threat of residential subdivision of the property has been removed, according to the coalition.

The coalition purchased the Wainer Farm through a “Buy-Protect-Sell” transaction, which involved taking the property off the real estate market, protecting the land, then selling it to the owners of the Russells Mills Flower Company.

These three farms were brought before the Select Board for approval conservation in the fall of 2024, which was made possible by the coalition’s “certified entity” status, the coalition said.