Something’s slithering on DNRT properties – help the Trust spot them

Jan 29, 2025

2025 is the Year of the Snake and to celebrate the Dartmouth Natural Resource Trust has 22 “snakes” slithering through its properties.

Wooden sticks have been painted to look like snakes and can be found at 13 different properties through Feb. 28. Those who use the Trust’s trails have an opportunity to compete in a scavenger hunt for these snakes for a chance to win a DNRT boat tote. Each snake has a descriptive sheet with it letting participants know its name and background. The form for the scavenger hunt is available on the Trust’s website at

Find 10 snakes total or find six snakes at six different reserves and write the name on the form in order to win. Email once enough snakes have been found.

Many snakes are tethered to benches, trees, or other stationary spots so that they don’t slither away.

Prior to the hunt, the Trust held a community-wide contest for the snakes. Five winners were chosen: Nancy Ames, Kathy Ferreira, Ginger Day as well as Judy and Harold Isakson.