Brave the chilly temps with Smith Neck Friends’ Meat Pie Supper
Oct 10, 2023
Begin the fall and brave the chilly temperatures coming by attending a warm meat pie supper on Saturday, Nov. 4, cooked by members of Smith Neck Friends Meeting.
The supper begins at 6 p.m. and includes candied carrots, mashed potatoes, gravy and homemade desserts. The proceeds from the supper will be used to support the Meeting.
The pies can be pre-ordered and purchased separately for $20. Tickets for the dinner are $15 each. The hall is handicap accessible. To order pies or tickets, call Anne Lopoulos at (508)971-8008 or Carole Cannan at (508)991-0459. Smith Neck Friends Meeting House is located at 594 Smith Neck Road, Dartmouth at the corner of Rock-O-Dundee Road.