Opinion: All the fears of a Kamala Harris candidacy are dissipating
To the editor:
Once President Biden’s cognitive impairment was undeniable the anxiety about a replacement surpassed the fear of his remaining in the race. For months it was generally believed that a Harris candidacy would be unacceptable to the majority of voters. But it was also surmised that if she wasn’t selected a huge block of women and people of color would stay home, vote a third party or possibly vote for Trump.
That fear has largely evaporated and been replaced with an excitement and reinvigoration of millions of voters, volunteers and donors.
In no small measure it was Bidens’ heroic withdrawal and immediate endorsement of Harris that changed the sense of despair into pervasive excitement, galvanizing millions who dreaded the upcoming presidential election.
The selection of JD Vance as his running mate, also significantly contributed to Trump’s decline in support as well as infuriating a large segment of American women who may have voted for him.
If not enthralled with Harris these women may constitute a large voting block of voters staying home or voting Democratic purely as a protest.
Following years of depression and curtailment of activities due to Covid, compounded by two wars further dividing the American electorate, so many Americans became resigned to the erosion of American democracy as the 2024 presidential election drew nearer.
Suddenly, and unexpectedly, millions are enthusiastically and defiantly going to save our democratic system and hopefully consigning villainous opportunists to obscurity.
Betty Ussach