Opinion: Voters should watch native forum before making decision on Indian

Mar 10, 2022

To the editor:

I believe that Dartmouth folks who wear the icon and use the name “Indian” do so out of a deep connection to their community and a pride in our unique history with the peoples who first owned this land. It is a complex history.

[Tuesday] night, we were able to hear native voices from Dartmouth and our surrounding communities who are asking us to continue to honor that history.

How we proceed in doing that — if that means we abandon our icon and name, alter its use, continue its use — was the subject of deep and thoughtful testimony without unanimous agreement.

All members agreed though that in order to honor this history, we as a town, as a district, should do more to highlight our shared history, to engage in meaningful conversations with our indigenous neighbors, and to educate our children around indigenous history and culture.

If you can, please take the time to listen to [the March 8] meeting. I’m hoping that [the meeting] reflects the first of many future positive collaborations with the peoples who first called the Southcoast their home.

A video of the meeting where the forum was held can be found here.

Mary Waite,

Dartmouth School Committee Vice Chairperson