Resource Trust hosts appraisal day

Jun 23, 2023

Whether it’s a prized possession or just sitting on a shelf, everyone has something they think is valuable.

To help figure out if that’s true, The Dartmouth Natural Resource Trust facilitated an appraisal day.

This is the first of its kind event hosted by DNRT and director Nick Wildman said there was a line of people waiting to get their items appraised 45 minutes before the event started. In total nearly 30 people came out for it.

“This is very fun, they should do more of these, this is the area for it,” said Ed Duniec who came with his wife and a tote bin full of items for appraisal.

Each person came with their items and a story about them. The appraisers agree that the stories are one of the best parts of the job.

Appraisers Christine Berlane and Annie Lajoie were excited to hear a story from Duniec and his wife about an early 1900s wedding photo featuring a whaler and his Azorean wife.

The event had five appraisers from Eldred’s Auctioneers and functioned like a “mini Antiques Roadshow,” explained Eric Mulak the vice president of Eldred’s. Each appraiser had a specific concentration from jewelry to Asian art.

Mulak said most people who brought items to the event were just curious about their history and value, not looking to sell.

Duncan Gray, an appraiser at Eldred’s explained that “oftentimes if they’re surprised by its value on the high side, they will talk with their families and say, ‘you know what this is just sitting on a shelf, maybe we could use the $800.’”

Participants paid $5 per item they had appraised, the money raised will go towards DNRT land preservation and stewardship efforts. Wildman says the event will definitely be back again next summer.