Sledding spectacular at the middle school
More than fifty kids and parents gathered at the hill behind the Middle School on Saturday to sled and play in the snow.
After the best snowfall yet this winter, parents and kids were eager to get some sledding in at the hill, have snowball fights, and build snowmen.
Mia Giorgianni, 9, built her first snowman, whom she named Jewels, after several hours when she had the perfect snowballs to build her. Giorgianni added a a smiling face, buttons, arms, and a twig for hair.
The Warncke Prince siblings were having fun, too, sledding in pairs and on their own — even Yuma, who is only three years old but has excellent sledding technique.
This was the family’s first time at the Middle School, but they liked the hill and thought it was a good size.
Walter Christianson, sledding with his mom, Katie, took a break to explore and even tried out making a snow angel.