Students break for the summer, show appreciation for teachers

Jun 18, 2024

At the stroke of noon, music blared out and bubbles flew through the air as DeMello Elementary School, along with the rest of Dartmouth Public School, broke for the summer on Monday, June 17.

Students bid their goodbyes with tears, hugs, laughs and high-fives as students boarded the buses for what has become the annual bus parade. 

Driving in a loop several times through DeMello’s driveway, bus drivers honked their horns and kids smiled and waved out the windows to the crowd of teachers, staff and students cheering them on on the lawn.

Bella Amaral, 10, said she was feeling “amazing,” with a big cheer, about the last day of school.

Amaral, like most students, said the highlight of her fourth grade year was her teacher, more specifically throwing water balloons at her.

She explained her teacher had a game where if a student answered a math fact correctly, they had the opportunity to throw two water balloons — helping grade the papers got them four.

While going on her boat and swimming in the pool are on the horizon for her this summer, she is most looking forward to her very first trip to Disney World.

Kayus Francis, 6, said he was “happy” with how the last day of school was going and said his favorite part of the first grade was his teacher because she was “kind.”

Francis said this summer, he looks forward to spending some time in his grandmother’s pool.

His sister, Elisabella Francis, 10, said her teacher made fourth grade the best due to her non-stop fun facts. 

She said her favorite fact was that rubbing hands together can create an energy that can be calming for the person.

Elisabella said the last day was both happy and sad, but she looks forward to heading to the beach this summer.

Hallie Fredette, 8, said her favorite part of the second grade was also her teacher because she helped her learn. 

With this school year behind her, Fredette also look forward to some swimming in her family’s pool.