Youth field hockey league teaches game basics, teamwork

Oct 12, 2016

In the Dartmouth Girls Athletic League’s (DGAL) field hockey program, it’s not about winning, it’s about the bond and learning that youth sports can bring to young girls.

That’s the word from Syracuse junior division team, made up of girls ages nine to 11. Despite struggling all season to win matchups against other teams in the DGAL program, the team has learned a lot about the sport.

“At this age group, we learn all the fundamentals,” said coach Mary Gurney-Sylvia.

Those fundamentals include developing the girls’ basic skills, including dribbles, push passes, cornering, the rules of the game, and teamwork. The goal, above all, is to have fun and grow from the experience of participating in a team sport, said Gurney-Sylvia.

“Being involved in a team sport teaches them all sorts of life skills they need,” Gurney-Sylvia said.

Girls are drawn to the program for a variety of reasons. Players Avery Halstead and Mairwen Sylvia were inspired by their sisters, varsity high school athletes who have enjoyed the sport for years. Emma Carrier has a different reason.

“It was something new to try, and I really liked it,” Carrier said.

The field hockey season is winding down, but the girls agreed the experience has taught them a number of lessons.

“My teammates are really nice,” said Lola Bergeron. “Everyone really works together.”