New mural brings a splash of color to UMass Dartmouth

Oct 21, 2015

With its concrete walls and sharp angles, UMass Dartmouth’s architecture is somewhat stark. But with the “Living Gallery” initiative, which started in 2014, the campus aims to add a splash of color to campus.

On Wednesday afternoon, the campus community came together to celebrate a newly installed mural. The 48-by-12-foot aluminum mural combines 24 separate panels. The installation was mounted to the west facing facade of the Campus Center, which faces the central walkways in campus.

Chancellor Divina Grossman, who spoke during the ceremony for the new artwork, described it as a “centerpiece” for the campus.

Angelina Marino Heidel, the Portland, Oregon based muralist who designed the piece, said the image required up to six layers of acrylic paint to achieve the desired look. She referred to her style as “industrial deco.”

The painting features vibrant colors, with a central streak of reds and yellows surrounded by bright blues. Fish leap around the image, accented by cogwheels. The piece is titled “The Fabric of Nature & Industry” and is based on a concept that Heidel said is personal to her.

Heidel spent two years working on the concept. Last May, she and her husband, Joel Heidel, were selected by UMass to be the team to work on the project. She hopes her piece makes the viewer consider the relationship between nature and industry.

“We need industry. It’s the way of our lives. But how can we find a harmony between them?” she said.

She said matching up the panels to ensure the image flowed correctly required special attention.

“I’ve done a lot of murals this size. The challenges are somewhat more minimal when you paint directly on a wall. This particular piece posed a lot more challenges,” said Heidel.

Grossman said that more outdoor art is on the way at UMass Dartmouth, including the proposed 350/50 statue, which will commemorate the Town of Dartmouth’s 350th anniversary and the campus’ 50th anniversary.