Meet Dartmouth High valedictorian and star athlete Jennifer Wheaton

Jun 9, 2016

Jennifer Wheaton is one of Dartmouth High’s star athletes, having played soccer, basketball, and lacrosse all four years of high school… and that’s on top of participating in math team, National Honors Society, and graduating valedictorian.

The Dartmouth High grad will be taking her success to Stonehill College in the fall, where she will continue playing women’s soccer and lacrosse for division II athletics.

“I’m really grateful to be playing both sports and to be studying computer science. It’s a balance of everything I want,” said Wheaton via telephone.

Wheaton said she’s already met the Stonehill coaches, Alex Wilson and Katie Conover. “Both coaches have different coaching styles and different personalities, but they’re both really great and I’m excited to be part of their program,” said Wheaton.

Although Wheaton will be leaving behind her high school coaches Mark Poirier, Scott Richards, and Chris Tresca, she will not necessarily abandon some of her quirky traditions.

“I wear the same sports bra and spandex for every game,” said Wheaton. She also braids her hair with lacrosse teammates Casey Good and Cali Andrade before every match, and downs chocolate milk following every game.

“She was a vital piece to this season, taking almost every draw (face off) and being a go-to offensive player the team could rely on,” said Tresca, Dartmouth’s varsity lacrosse coach, via email. The team lost to Foxboro High on June 3, forfeiting their chance at a tournament title.

“Foxboro was definitely the better team, but we still played hard and played our best,” said Wheaton, joking that the post-prom fatigue was a bit hindering.

Wheaton’s positive attitude doesn’t dull her competitive edge. “One of the highlights [of the basketball season] was beating Bishop Stang twice. They’re one of our rivals,” she said.

Wheaton attributed her success to her supportive friends and family. At least one parent—“if not both”—was at every game, her best friend Bailey Peach co-captained the basketball team with Wheaton, and her sister Amy—who played soccer at Stonehill College—influenced Wheaton’s soccer career.

“She’s also a goalie, so I’ve been able to look up to her as long as I can remember really,” said Wheaton, who has played both soccer and basketball since the age of five, and lacrosse since third grade. Wheaton also credited her sister Lauren—a swimmer at St. Michael’s College—with cheering her on.

Wheaton said she’ll be applying the time management skills she learned in high school to her college career.

Wheaton will also be one of 14 student athletes across the state accepting the Boston Globe Scholar Athlete Award next week. She was nominated by Dartmouth High athletic director Jeff Caron.