New Bedford Ballet to host annual spring fundraiser

Feb 13, 2017

The New Bedford Ballet will host its annual spring fundraiser on Sunday, March 5, 2017. Dartmouth performers Felicia Garro, Olivia Cornell, Victoria Cameron, Audrey French, Sofia Montez, and Mary Bancroft will participate in this year's performance, "Esther’s Journey."

"Esther’s Journey" is an original, historical ballet created and choreographed by New Bedford Ballet’s artistic director, Rebecca Waskiel-Marchesseault. In this family-oriented ballet, audience members will travel with Esther and her family as they journey from enslavement to freedom on the Underground Railroad during the Civil War.

The first seating for "Esther’s Journey" will be at 1 p.m. with a performance at 1:30 p.m., and the second seating will be at 2:30 p.m. with a performance at 3 p.m. The fundraiser will be held at the New Bedford Ballet Community Theatre, 2343 Purchase Street in New Bedford.

All proceeds from this fundraiser will benefit New Bedford Ballet’s arts education and dance scholarship programs. There will be refreshments, including an array of elegant desserts, and beverages. Members of the New Bedford Symphony Youth Orchestra will provide live music.

General admission tickets cost $15 for adults, $12 for seniors and students, and $7 for children.

For more information, call the New Bedford Ballet at (508) 993-1387, or visit