Bishop Stang postpones graduation to August 7
Bishop Stang High School has decided to forego a virtual graduation in favor of an in-person outdoors ceremony later this summer.
The private Catholic school on Slocum Road postponed its May 27 commencement until August 7 in the hopes of holding a more traditional ceremony, according to senior class advisor Amy Rodgers.
“We’re trying to plan that, but restrictions and guidelines keep changing,” said Rodgers. “We just have to roll with it, and do what we have to do to keep everyone safe and honor our graduating seniors.”
The senior prom has also been postponed until August, although if social distancing is still necessary at that time, school officials are considering a one-year reunion prom night instead.
Schools all over the country have changed their graduation plans due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Many — including Dartmouth High School — have opted for virtual or video graduations, in which seniors are filmed receiving their diplomas in a safe, socially distanced way.
Parades of cars are also a new feature to celebrate this year’s graduating classes safely.
Bishop Stang held a parade on May 27 for all 146 members of the Class of 2020.
Seniors decorated their cars and drove from the high school to the nearby St. Julie Billiart Church parking lot, where faculty greeted them.
The school also planned virtual celebrations with videos each night for Senior Week. Videos included a virtual Open Mic Night, Senior Night Awards, and a Decision Day video for athletes who will continue their sports careers in college, as well as a Spring Sports video for those seniors who couldn’t play one last season.
As for the seniors themselves, Rodgers said that originally they were all disappointed — but many have brightened since Senior Week and are now looking forward to their summer graduation ceremony.
“We want them to feel proud of their accomplishments,” said Rodgers. “Their parents and families loved everything we’ve been able to do to acknowledge them.”
All of the Senior Week videos are available on the Bishop Stang Facebook page.