Select Board looks to change Town Clerk to appointed position
With the departure of current Town Clerk Lynn Medeiros later this month, the Select Board will look at making the position appointed rather than elected going forward.
At a virtual meeting on July 13, members of the Select Board voted to recommend the change at the next town meeting this fall before putting it on the town election ballot in April.
Medeiros will be retiring after working in Dartmouth’s municipal government for nearly 30 years.
The Select Board also discussed their options for finding an interim town clerk to take her place, as they said the current assistant town clerk has given her notice and will be leaving soon as well.
Town Administrator Shawn MacInnes said that he has contacted the Massachusetts Town Clerks Association to look for suitable candidates, as well as advertising the position on a municipal jobs website.
He noted that filling the spot is one of the town’s major concerns this summer, as there will be a national primary on September 1 and the US presidential election in November.
The Town Clerk is responsible for managing elections.
“I’m working on this daily, because this is a very important position to the town, as you know,” MacInnes said.
Select Board member John Haran suggested reaching out to former Town Clerk Ellie White to help the newcomer as a consultant for the upcoming national elections.
Meanwhile the new Select Board Vice Chair Shawn McDonald asked if the town should consider changing the position from an elected to an appointed one.
“It’s the only elected position that gets paid,” he noted. “And I think the timing is probably right to do it.”
The other board members voiced their support for the move, voting unanimously to present the change to the town’s charter at Fall Town Meeting for approval. If accepted, it will be put on the ballot at the next town election in April 2021.
Board members recognized Lynn Medeiros for her service alongside other retiring town employees Deborah Melino-Wender, Director of Development, and Environmental Affairs Coordinator Mike O’Reilly.
Melino-Wender has worked for the town for over a decade, while O’Reilly has been a town employee for 32 years.
“Between the three of them, they’ve provided 68 years of service to the town,” noted MacInnes, commending all three for their professionalism and knowledge of the town and its history.
“Does anyone want to reconsider?” asked new Select Board Chair Frank Gracie III with a laugh.
At the same meeting, the board voted in favor of allowing Tyler Ferreira, a Life Scout of Boy Scouts Troop 74 Dartmouth, to build a kiosk for proper disposal of worn out American Flags at Town Hall.