Going once, going twice: Lloyd Center auction goes online all day and night

The Lloyd Center for the Environment will host their 38th annual clambake on Sunday, July 16 but the fundraiser is more than just a feast.
The center hosts an extensive auction with over one-hundred of items and experiences, all of which were donated to the Lloyd Center. The combined value of the offerings is estimated to be $20,000.
Bidding opens on June 30 at BiddingForGood.com. JoAnn Cornell, who organizes the auction for the Lloyd Center, explained that it is helpful to see Art in person. For that reason, the art featured in the auction will be on display at the Dartmouth Cultural Center’s 404 Elm Street location from June 29 until it July 9.
Many of the art pieces come from local artists. One painting featured in the auction, by Pamela Lowell, shows two Ospreys on the Lloyd Center’s reserve. Other works feature photography of the South Coast and paintings of native flowers.
Art isn't all that is available to bid on. In past years, Cornell said the most popular item was a round of golf for four at the Sakonnet Golf Club. She expects it to be a high-ticket item again this year because of the course’s exclusivity.
Other experiences offered are Cape Cod kayak tours for two people, a day of climbing and zip lining at Tree Top Adventures, a private sculling lesson with Dharma Voyage and a Koko the owl presentation from the Lloyd Center.
The center will also auction off a Yeti cooler and a crate with 11 bottles of liquor and wine.
The auction closes out with the annual clambake at Buzzards Bay Brewing in Westport. Tickets for the event can be purchased from lloydcenter.org/clambake.
Tickets to the clambake include all-you-can-eat food from Gnarly Vines, The Oxcart and Tacofied Food Truck. Cornell said you can eat at all three if you have the appetite for it.
The shindig will host live music by Nick’s Other Band, a “high-energy rock ’n roll dance band” covering songs from the past 40 years. The band emphasizes providing a fun experience and attendees are invited to dance along.
The first clambake in 1986, was held at the Colonel Green estate at Round Hill, but over the clambake's 38 years, it has grown in size and moved spaces to accommodate. Regardless of the location, people continue to make the annual effort to attend and donate.
The proceeds from the clambake and auction go to the Lloyd Center’s environmental education, research and outreach programs.