Opinion: Biden unbound

Jul 24, 2024

To the editor:

Having withdrawn from the presidential race Joe Biden, unburdened by fear of appearing cognitively compromised, has the opportunity to actively campaign for Kamala Harris. Biden can avoid interviews and debates but can utilize his presidency to repeatedly have press conferences to subtly call attention to Kamala Harris. Or alternatively Biden can maximize his frailty and have Harris stand in for him on various occasions to spotlight her experience and familiarity with presidential procedure and powers.

From a purely strategic perspective Biden can finally break with Netanyahu and put real pressure on the Israeli government to end the onslaught on Gaza. As infuriated as Israel’s ardent supporters within the Democratic Party may be they may welcome the candidacy of a Democratic woman married to a Jewish man. And It would be prudent for Kamala Harris to maintain a degree of neutrality on this issue prompting disaffected Democrats to return to the fold.

Harris, having been a successful prosecutor, and never accused of being easy on criminals, the Republicans will have immediately lost one of their main anti-Biden talking points.  

The Supreme Court may have unintentionally empowered Biden  to issue executive orders curtailing Trump and his minions from their treasonous and warlike rhetoric by Biden characterizing his actions within court sanctioned immunity. Without consequence Biden could exploit the majority opinion and simultaneously demonstrate its inherent threat to the democratic process.

As regards the immigration issue the Republicans will blame Harris for the crisis at the border but Biden has moderated his position sufficiently to claim a decrease in the flow of migrants and he can take full responsibility for any missteps that may have been taken.  

Clearly a new respect for Biden has occurred, even amongst some Republicans, and his anointing Harris as his successor will be seen as more ethical than political.  His enthusiasm for her candidacy has more positive impact than if he withheld his endorsement. 


Betty Ussach