Smart cookies: Girl Scouts sell sweets and support local charities

Jan 27, 2025

A full rainbow of multicolor Girl Scout cookie boxes was spread across a green clothed table outside the State Road Walmart in Dartmouth on a warm winter afternoon Sunday, Jan. 26.

A lineup of girls dressed in bright green berets, vests and winter coats manned the table, distributing and bagging cookies for a line of eager customers while under the supervision of family members and troop co-leaders Karen Bergeron and Katie-Ann Mason.

It’s Acushnet Troop #84497’s shift for selling cookies this afternoon, and they’re excited about meeting their goal soon.

“Our goal is 1500 and the girls are just over 1000 boxes sold now, so hopefully we hit it!” said Bergeron.

Charlotte Mason, 9, has been a Girl Scout since she was a Daisy, starting four years ago. She loves selling cookies because Girl Scouts donates a portion of their profit to charity. “I like helping other people,” said Charlotte.

My Troop, the Acushnet Junior Girl Scouts have always prioritized community and giving back. Funds from cookie sales this year will be used toward materials for the creation and donation of Happy Birthday Boxes and Hygiene Kits for a women's center, and a donation to Gifts to Give,” said Mason. “That is in addition to being able to do some group trainings at no cost to the scout family, and an end of year celebration.”

Quinn Whitehead, 9, said she enjoys the process of selling and connecting with the community.

While learning skills that will benefit them throughout their lives, the girls are also able to make lasting friendships and memories.

Natalie Bergeron, 9, has been a Girl Scout for two years. She says selling cookies is her favorite part of “spending time with my friends.”

Girl Scouts have been selling cookies since 1917, according to their official website.

Selling cookies and learning about their cookie business teaches Girl Scouts many practical and critical life skills,” said Mason. “It allows them to practice self advocacy and public speaking. They learn about their responsibility to a team and doing their part for the greater good of the troop.”