Opinion: Recognizing exceptional and innovative service at the Southcoast Behavioral Health Hospital

Mar 18, 2025

To the Editor:

Here on the Southcoast we have increasingly felt the impacts of the mental health and substance abuse crisis that has plagued our neighborhoods, our Commonwealth, and our country. Over the years, government and healthcare providers scrambled to address these diseases that were derailing lives and robbing us of our neighbors, parents and children. In the wake of such destruction, I think it is worthwhile to acknowledge the victories throughout our journey and the institutions that stepped up to tackle the issues at hand. A unique partnership between Southcoast Hospitals and Acadia Healthcare has delivered high quality service and tangible results for people across the Southcoast. 

In 2015, these two organizations partnered to create the Southcoast Behavioral Health Hospital in Dartmouth, MA. Since its doors first opened the hospital continually evolved undergoing two major  renovations. The first created facilities specializing in geriatric care. The second expansion increased the total number of available beds to 48. To this day, the facility is considered one of New England’s leading mental health treatment providers and a true asset to the people of this region.  

This model proves beneficial because it pairs a non-profit health system with deep community ties to the acute expertise and resources of an experienced mental health provider. By creating a system incorporating specialized mental health treatment, Southcoast Behavioral Health Hospital takes the burden off emergency departments and quickly connects patients to the specialized care they need. This joint approach allows for the most efficient lines to healthcare for all patients regardless of ailment.  

It is rare to see a for-profit business, like Acadia Healthcare, so dedicated in their service to an underserved community. In the past year, we have seen the devastating effects of greed and  mismanagement by companies like Steward Health Care. Predatory financial practices have no place in an industry that so closely impacts people’s quality of life. However, Acadia Healthcare has consistently met their obligations and backed their promises with their checkbooks. When the COVID-19 pandemic sparked an increase in mental health demands, Acadia and Southcoast undertook an expansion of their facility that doubled the available beds. Regardless of crisis or hurdle, Southcoast Behavioral Health has gone to work for the underserved and vulnerable in our cities and towns.  

Problems will only truly be solved when people across demographics, backgrounds, and experiences are able to come together and deliver practical solutions for their communities. Engaging in this type of work requires good faith, expertise, and ingenuity. This partnership between the non-profit Southcoast Health and the for-profit Acadia Healthcare is a shining example of the possibilities of collaboration. These organizations created something original that serves our community and saves lives. They should be recognized for their success while they inspire us all to show up and do the work of creating a better tomorrow for our community.  

With every best wish, I remain, 

Christopher Markey 

State Representative, 9th Bristol District