A divine duet: Dartmouth couple publish works on spirituality

Jul 30, 2024

When Michael Hickey was in his 40s, he found himself in the “wastelands” of corporate America, unhappy with the way profits were prioritized over people.

That’s when he decided to fulfill his “lifelong dream” of studying theology and writing books — but first he needed to ask his wife.

Theresa Hickey, a poet herself, said it wasn’t easy with their four kids, but they made it work. 

Now married for almost 60 years, with four children and seven grandchildren, the published couple spend half their time in Dartmouth and the other half in Florida, but all of it includes writing. 

The two’s work, including their most recent publications, deal with spirituality — something they encourage everyone to try and incorporate in their lives in their own way.

“It’s so important, especially now as we get older, for it to have become a focus,” Theresa said of spirituality. 

Her recent poem collection, “Resting Place,” attempts to provide readers with comfort amid the chaos of the world, she said. The poems emphasize the message that although the average reader cannot stop something like a war, they can make a difference in the lives of those around them. 

Michael’s recent book, “Rising Light,” is about hope and resurrection. In the book, hope is an acronym that stands for “horizon of promised expectation,” as one moves closer to a horizon, another opens up, he said. 

This is a metaphor of resurrection, which Michael says is “transhistorical” — affecting all of history from beginning to end.

He said the goal is to not be preachy with their message, but to encourage others to not only appreciate what they have, but be open to more of what life has to offer.

Theresa said learning about different forms of spirituality and finding the quiet time that allows them to “carve in little moments of reflection,” has been transformational for them.

“These things keep us grounded,” she said.

However, she emphasized this work is done in conjunction with the connections they have with family, friends and community.

“It’s not about selling a lot of books,” Theresa said, with both admitting they haven’t made much of anything off their publications so far.

Michael said, “We do it because we love it.”

Both books are available for purchase online now: “Resting Place” and “Rising Light.” Profits from Theresa’s “Resting Place” will go toward local charities.