Once upon a time: Dartmouth then and now

How many of us fondly remember buildings and views that now exist only in memory? How many landmarks of today will be gone tomorrow?
An ice cream bucket moves from a hilltop dairy to a seaside park. A giant static electricity generator is moved from an aircraft hangar at Round Hill to a science museum in Boston. A four-way intersection with a hardware store and a lunch spot is demolished to make way for a much larger intersection.
These are just a few of the changes that have taken place in our town.
Incorporated in 1664, Dartmouth has a longer history than most towns, with the rich cultural heritage that goes along with it.
But although much has changed through the years, much has also stayed the same.
Here is a gallery of photos showing Dartmouth then and now.
Historical photos courtesy of Bob Harding, Dartmouth Historical and Arts Society. Visit dartmouthhas.org to learn more.