Owners look to expand multi-family housing complex
Owners of a multi-family housing project sought support from the Select Board on November 28 before investing in a 200-unit expansion.
Jon and Jay Bovarnick are seeking to expand Dartmouth Woods, located at 629 State Road, a mile east of the current property. They want to mimic the layout they currently have at Dartmouth Woods by creating another 200 units.
"There's such a shortage of quality rental housing in Dartmouth," said Jon Bovarnick.
Before expanding, the owners would need Planning Board approval to build at the proposed site, as the zoning doesn't currently allow multi-family housing. The owners sought endorsement from the Select Board before they start researching expansion and propose it before Town Meeting voters.
While the major concern among Select Board members was traffic flow, Engineer Steven Gioiosa of SiTec Inc., assured them that a detailed traffic analysis would be completed before moving forward with the preliminary plans.
The owners would have to work with the Department of Public Works and the Conservation Commission, as the property lies on an aquifer zone. However, Select Board members agreed the development would clean an eyesore along the 65-acre parcel.
"It's an opportunity to move this boil from the town's backside," said Select Board member Shawn McDonald.
The complex would also include an onsite recreational area with a pool, a gathering area and office, and pathways that currently run through the property would be rehabilitated. Gioiosa said an emergency access easement would also be added.
Property would be bought from Mary Robinson, owner of the Cecil Smith Landfill. Robinson currently owes the town $175,000 for a dispute over unpaid taxes, according to Select Board members.
Select Board members saw the development as an opportunity for Robinson to start paying back the town. The town also holds the mortgage on the property, according to Cressman.