Legal Advertisements - Week of September 21, 2023

Sep 20, 2023

United States Environmental Protection Agency
Fall Community Events –
Re-Solve Superfund Site

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is supporting the resumption of the community fishing derby at Cornell Pond (703 Old Fall River Rd, North Dartmouth, MA), associated with the ongoing environmental monitoring program for the Re-Solve Superfund Site. The Cornell Pond fishing derby draws upon the expertise of the local community for the fish monitoring program, which is integral to the ongoing assessment of environmental conditions at the site.
Additionally, an open house will be held at the groundwater treatment facility, located at the former Re-Solve property at 1275 North Hixville Road, North Dartmouth, MA. Community members are invited to come visit the treatment facility, participate in a walking tour of the grounds, and meet the project staff.

Fishing Derby at Cornell Pond – Saturday, Sept. 23rd 7:00 am – 11:00 am
Site Tours and Open House – Wednesday, Oct. 18th 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

For more information about these events, please contact:
Brenda Murcia, EPA Community Involvement Coordinator
(617) 918-1186 or toll-free at 1 (888) 372-7341
E-mail Brenda to be added to the mailing list for the site.

Visit EPA’s website:
for information on how to participate in these upcoming events.

Historic District Commission

Notice of Public Hearing

Dear Abutter / lnterested Party;
The Russell’s Mills Historic District Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, October 10th. 2023 at 6:30 pm. in Rm. 305, Dartmouth Town Hall . To act on the application of Tim & Nikki Sperry of 858 Rock O Dundee Rd. So. Dartmouth, MA. 02748, who is seeking a “Certificate of Appropriateness” for Addition of a Roof Dormer to said address located within the bounds of the Historic District. Said hearing to be conducted pursuant to the provisions of the Dartmouth Historic District By-Law as voted at the June 1998 Annual Town Meeting under Article 5. Persons wishing to have input into said hearing may do so by oral or written comments at the above slated time, location, and date.

Michael Woyciechouski (chair)